
A collection of wins, social feed, and latest projects.

July 24, 2024


Hire checklists, not brains.
Hire automations, not skillsets.
Hire creators, not consultants.
Hire optimizers, not managers.

The secretary was essentail to business in the 1950s. Today, there secretary role is dead. The assistant role is also (generally) dead. Or at least, it’s completely redefined.

You can build a million dollar one-person business without humans. The best hire is software. It works 24/7 and never complains. Then, hire people to manage the software.

June 20, 2024

Bet On Yourself

A simple phrase, "The hoax is that tomorrow is a better day to start," was the fuel to transform my life. Explores the counterintuitive concept that the biggest risk we take is not starting at all. You don't need a better circumstance, reason, or story about why it can or can't work. You just need to bet on yourself.

June 13, 2024

Read Better

Key Models

  • Exploration: Focus on discovering new ideas rather than stressing about memorizing details. This approach makes reading enjoyable and engaging.

  • Automation: Utilize modern tools to streamline reading and information recall. Key tools include Kindle for accessibility, Audible for listening while reading, Readwise for resurfacing highlights, and Notion for organizing notes and thoughts.


  • Kindle: Offers the convenience of carrying thousands of books without physical weight.

  • Audible: Syncs with Kindle to provide audio narration, reducing cognitive load.

  • Readwise: Exports and revisits highlights, making it easy to retain important information.

  • Notion: Integrates with Readwise to store and access notes and highlights easily.

June 12, 2024



Not all work is created equal

Often, work is attributed to dollar amounts but it requires looking at a few key components together.

May 19, 2024



Baptize California

My (unofficial) role for Baptize California was Chief Architect, which included Web Developer, Full Stack Development, Workflows, Email Communication, and Compliance. A chief architect is a leader who designs and implements an organization's technical architecture to support its organizational strategy.

  • 12,216 Baptisms Statewide

  • 300+ Partner Churches

  • 56(out of 58) Counties Represented

  • 1,500 new believers

May 1, 2024

Knowledge not found in schools is the source of money not found in employment.

🔎 Quote I recently heard that got me thinking:

Knowledge not found in schools is the source of money not found in employment.

I never learned how to become a YouTuber or how to create digital products that could sell from my college degree.

Right now, those that get paid the most, that we want to hire and value the most…. are often great at specific knowledge and generally it's not found in a mass school system. What is specific knowledge?

Specific knowledge is often highly technical or creative. It cannot be outsourced or automated.

(Hint to learn where you specific knowledge lies… 👇🏼)

Often, it’s the intersection of two things you genuinely are curious about.

Ex. Long distance running and fashion, graphic design and philosophy, history and software and so on.

What specific knowledge can you pursue?

That is the key to raising your value in the market.

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